Performance of 2003 Picks Through Year End 2003 vs S&P 500 (Separated by Quarters)

Our Picks
S&P 500
1st  Quarter Picks
69 %
26 %
2nd Quarter Picks
68 %
31 %
3rd  Quarter Picks
33 %
14 %
4th  Quarter Picks
12 %
12 %
Performance of 2004 Picks Through Year End 2004 vs S&P 500 (Separated by Quarters)

Our Picks S&P 500
1st  Quarter Picks 7 %
6 %
2nd Quarter Picks 6 %
8 %
3rd  Quarter Picks 21 %
6 %
4th  Quarter Picks 22 %
9 %
Performance of 2005 Picks Through Year End 2005 vs S&P 500 (Separated by Quarters)

Our Picks
S&P 500
1st  Quarter Picks 25 %
3 %
2nd Quarter Picks 19 %
6 %
3rd  Quarter Picks 20 %
5 %
4th  Quarter Picks 7  %
3 %


Performance statistics were calculated assuming you followed our buy and sell recommendations.

  Statistics include all of our picks open and closed for the time period specified. 

In addition to being undervalued, our picks were of debt-free companies with significant cash levels.

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